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How to Pick the Sweetest Pineapple

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I am all about food hacks! If there’s something to know about how a food can help you, or if you want to know where to get the best tasting anything, I will either already know and be sharing with you, or I will definitely want to know, so I can try it myself! ha ha

Are you like me and have you had so much pineapple that your mouth goes acidic and you get ulcers in your mouth? That’s a true pineapple fan right there! Ha ha

Talking about Pineapples: Did you know they are a natural anti-inflammatory food? If you have muscle soreness or any type of inflammation, make the delicious pineapple your best friend and watch how it reduces your inflammation.

Okay, let me share with you the secret to always choosing the BEST pineapples when you are shopping…

You may have heard the ‘trick’ where you pull one of the leaves at the crown of the pineapple out, and if it comes out easy, then your pineapple is ready to eat. This works – but it doesn’t guarantee you that your pineapple will be sweet. To choose the BEST pineapple – the sweetest and most delicious, it’s all about the variety. Take a closer look next time you are at the local grocery store. Some are sweeter than others! Did you know this?

Okay this is how you find the SWEET varieties: Find the pineapples that have their tops/ crowns chopped off!

Pineapple Producers that grow the sweet varieties protect their product from being reproduced by chopping the tops off, so this is the easiest way to choose a SWEET pineapple. (They also have lower acidity to avoid the mouth ulcers! haha)

In Australia there are 2 main varieties: the Smooth Cayenne and the Queen however the newer sweeter varieties are what consumers want (if you ask me.)

If you see a ‘Pinata’ pineapple, they are labelled with a big sticker and they really are super sweet and amazing! (Check out their website here for more info about their awesome fruits!: Piñata pineapples – Our Fruit – Piñata Farms (

There are other lovely varieties and if you have a favourite, please share with us 🙂

It’s also interesting to note that because most consumers don’t know this about the pineapples put out for them to purchase, they are more inclined to buy the pineapples with their tops on, because they are ‘prettier’. This then means that the pineapples that end up being used for frozen pineapple come from the rejected pineapples from the grocery stores & currently the frozen pineapple is super sweet and that’s how I know that the best pineapples are not being purchased by consumers!

I hope you have enjoyed learning a little bit more about pineapples today (haha)

Much love xx


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